═══ 1. Introduction ═══ Did you ever want to save the definition of program- and shadow objects of a folder, so you can restore it whenever and wherever you want? Well, then SAVEFLDR is for you. It creates a .CMD file which contains the necessary commands to re-create the folders and all "Abstract" objects. Please note that this package is IBM INTERNAL USE ONLY. ┌────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ │IMPORTANT NOTE │ │ │ │ │ │Since this program uses information from undocumented and │ │frequently changing data structures, it might NOT work on │ │all current and future OS/2 versions. │ │ │ │I have tested it with: OS/2 2.0 GA (German), OS/2 2.0 (US) │ │with the Service Pack applied, OS/2 2.1 (beta 2, "December" │ │release), and OS/2 2.1 (beta 3, "March" release). │ │ │ │However, the output might not be 100% correct, you may have │ │to edit the resulting .CMD file. │ └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ ═══ 1.1. PACKAGE File Contents ═══ The SAVEFLDR PACKAGE, available from OS2TOOLS, contains the following files: File Description SAVEFLDR RAMBIN The executable code. This expands to: SAVEFLDR.CMD The executable program. SAVEFLDR.DLG The dialogs used by SAVEFLDR.CMD. SAVEFLDR.ICO The SAVEFLDR icon. SAVEFLDR.INF The User's Guide in "view" format. MYUTIL.DLL This contains supporting functions. DBOXMGR2.DLL Part of DBOXMGR2 PACKAGE from OS2TOOLS. DBOXMGR2.EXE Part of DBOXMGR2 PACKAGE from OS2TOOLS. SAVEFLDR ANNOUNCE A short description. ═══ 1.2. Installation ═══ To install SAVEFLDR you have to do the following: 1. Download the file SAVEFLDR RAMBIN in binary to your PC as SAVEFLDR.RAM. 2. Unpack SAVEFLDR.RAM using LOADRAM2 (available on OS2TOOLS). 3. Optionally add the directory where you have installed SAVEFLDR to your LIBPATH and PATH in CONFIG.SYS. If you don't do this, you will always have to start SAVEFLDR from the directory where you have installed it. 4. Run SAVEFLDR from an OS/2 command prompt. This will add a "Save Folders" program object to your desktop. ═══ 2. Using SAVEFLDR ═══ You may start SAVEFLDR from either the "Save Folders" program object, or from an OS/2 command prompt. It needs a few seconds to start, and then presents you with a list of all folders you have on your system. Refer to The SAVEFLDR Dialog for more information about this dialog. ═══ 2.1. The SAVEFLDR Dialog ═══ This dialog is used to select the folders you want to save. It contains the following controls: Control Function List Box This list box contains the names of all folders you have defined in your desktop. You may select one or more folders from this list. Generate Press this push button to process the selected folders. You may iterate through the process of selecting and processing folders, the output will be accumulated. Exit Press this button to exit from SAVEFLDR. If you have processed some folders, it will ask you where you want to store the results. Refer to The "Specify Output File" Dialog for more information about saving the results. Help If you press this button you will be able to view the User's Guide (this document). ═══ 2.2. The "Specify Output File" Dialog ═══ This dialog will be activated when some output needs to be written, that means that you have pressed the "Generate" button in The SAVEFLDR Dialog. It contains the following controls: Control Function File Name: Type the name of the output file in this field. Note that the extension has to be .CMD if you want to run it as a command file. Save Press this push button if you want to save the file. Exit Press this button if you don't want to save the file. ═══ 3. Summary of Changes ═══ Date Changes 92/12/18 Version 1.0 First release to OS2TOOLS 92/12/20 Version 1.1 Add open methods (minimized, etc.) Fix long lines in output 93/01/13 Version 1.2 Add panel support. 93/01/14 Version 1.3 Fix searching for the desktop directory 93/01/29 Version 1.4 Fix loop in node table Test it on OS/2 2.0 GA code (German version). 93/02/12 Version 1.5 Completely rewrite the "Parseobj" routine Add the OS/2 2.1 WIN-OS2 enhanced mode support 93/03/22 Version 1.6 Create User's Guide Add the output file dialog Change the WIN-OS2 enhanced mode support More fixes to "Parseobj"